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October 13, 2015

       October 13, 2015
John Vieira, Susan Mitchell, Renee McDonough, Holly Palmgren, Ron Thompson and Brian Keevan from the PCC were in attendance as well as Brett Trowbridge Associated Member.

John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

  • Discussion regarding a Enforcement Order issued to Mr. Gerald Oberhelman at 296 Sterling Road, Princeton.  Attending the meeting was Scott Goddard from Goddard Consulting, and Mr. & Mrs. Oberhelman.   Rene McDonough recused herself from this project.  There are 2 Orders of Conditions still outstanding for this project 267-219 from 1998/1999 and 267-281 from 2003, no certificate of compliances were ever issued.    Mr. Oberhelman spoke to the commission regarding the debate of the filled areas.  He wants a copy of the legal document that he believes should have been given him before the first visit to his property by John Vieira.   John Vieira spoke to the Town Administrator regarding the issue of the violation reporting.  Mr. Oberhalman’s Representative Scott Goddard requested that this be tabled so the PCC could get on with the other issues on the agenda.   At 8: 05 pm this discussion was continued.  Renee McDonough again recused herself.  The proposed areas ; the grass area, flower garden by Rte. 62  and the pathway (brown and red areas on the said plan) he suggested that the fill be pulled out and re-expose the natural wetlands, these areas have between 3 inches and a foot of fill.  This will be the restoration for those areas.  Then 18-24 inch shrubs and wetlands plants be planted this fall.  This area of work would be supervised by Scott Goddard or associates.  This is about 9,000 sq ft of restoration.   The additional 5, 500 sq feet of restoration will be done in the back area as depicted on the plan.  The area will be dug 1 ft below grade and replaced with 6-10 inches of hydric soils using the same plantings also using spice bush in place of the arrow wood. This part of the project will happen in 2016 and be monitored for 2 years.   In 2017 they will file for a Certificate of Compliance for the two outstanding Orders of Conditions.  Mr. Oberhelman will remove the flowering trees by Rte. 62 himself and transplant them elsewhere by the house area.  This plan makes good progress and the PCC is agreeable with it.   A motion was made to accept the plan with flexibility in sensitive areas.  Scott Goddard will keep the Conservation Commission up to date with the progress.
  • A continuation for a Notice of Intent from Bruce Thurston for Map 4 Parcel 6 Mirick Road, Princeton for work associated with the construction of a single family home within the wetland buffer zone.  The hearing was opened at 7:20 PM with DEP File No. 267-0383.  Doug Andrysick gave an overview of the plans.  A site visit took place on October 12 with the neighbors Jim and Linda Lackey with John Vieira and Brian Keevan present.  The project has a Board of Health stamp now.   An open Order of Conditions is outstanding DEP File # 267-0321 which Doug Andrysick will request a Certificate of Compliance for.  Attending the meeting was Bruce Thurston and Tim Butland.  A motion was made to issue an Order of Conditions for this project.  The hearing was closed at 7:35 PM.
  • Tom Sullivan will attend the November meeting giving an update on the Smith Property (Fieldstone Farm) Ron Thompson gave an update regarding the parcels to be sold for lots and the other donations and proposed interests in the property.  There will be a Town Meeting in December regarding this property.  


  • A Notice of Intent was filed by Princeton DPW for Grow Lane for culvert replacement and roadway improvements.  Larry Greene Jr. from Waterman Design gave a presentation about the replacement for the 3 culverts on this road.  The culverts will be replaced this fall by the Princeton DPW the repaving will be done at a later date next year. PCC had a site visit on October 10 with Sue Mitchell and Brian Keevan present.   No DEP File No was issued to date.  The Consultant requested a continuation until the DEP File No. is issued.


  • A Forest Cutting Plan was filed by DCR for Houghton Road, Princeton for Russell Wilmot for the cutting of 86 acres.
  • A Forest Cutting Plan was file by John R. Clark for Pine Hill Road for George J. Wallace Revocable Trust for the cutting of 39 acres.
  • A Forest Cutting Plan was filed by John R. Clarke for Calamint Hill Road South for Dr. Jean Krag for 78 acres.
These Forest Cutting Plans were discussed at the meeting.

The August 18, 2015 and September 15, 2015 minutes were read and accepted with minor changes as noted.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.
Marsha Dowdy